28 Sep 2011

Mistakes Beginners & Amateur Photographers

12 Mistakes Beginners & Amateur Photographers
by Munir Mishbahul: Photographers Photography Studio Poetrafoto Yogyakarta
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A photographer (photographer) in the world of photography (photography) is also not free from error. However, if the technical errors of photography (photography techniques) each time the photographing (take picture) occurs, then he should learn to shoot harder.
Here are many common mistakes made and experienced by the Beginners and Amateur Photographers. It was discovered by the Panasonic Company through a survey done, some time ago (the points developed from the writings Arbain Rambey / Compass).
    1. Low Battery
    User highest error on both the pocket digital camera and a
    DSLR, ie, up to 35.20%, is the frequent battery runs out. Digital camera (digital
    camera) it only works if there are batteries in it. Thus, a digital camera
    are mostly had long-lasting battery, can be for a minimum of 500 times
    This error is usually caused by several things, namely (1) the preparation
    less mature, so forgot to fully charge the battery before use, (2)
    photographers often look at the photos on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) every time
    after the snap because it is less confident of the outcome, (3) do not forget to turn off the power because
    camera after use, or directly included in the camera bag.

    2. Blurred images Camera Shake
    Beginner mistakes blurry images caused by camera shake when in use reached 29.30%.    Aka camera shake is camera shake user error. However, a good camera will minimize this with an ergonomic shape and a higher shutter speed.
    Today, cameras and lenses have also been equipped with VR (vibration reduction)
    for Nikon or IS (image stabilizer) for Canon. Its function is to
    reduce image shake above, so if you want to buy a camera, choose an existing
    this facility.

    3. Blurred images due to wobble Photo Objects
    This error is often made up the value reaches 22.70%. This error
    is due to the user incorrectly predicted speed with the speed of the object image

    4. Time Lag
    This error occurs because the delay in photographing the scene due to the slowness
    camera reacts. Or, it could also not of the sensitivity of the photographer. Time lag, ie the gap
    between when the shutter is pressed and when the camera reacts.

    5. One Focus (Miss Focus)
    This error percentage is 16.80%. This error usually involves focusing
    aka pit focus fled to faraway fields. Or, it could also be due to auto focus
    the camera is not in lock, so that when photographing focusnya changes to objects that
    another. This can be tricked by minimizing the diaphragm (f) with larger numbers
    to be more wide-angle focus.

    6. Underexposur or Dark Photos
    This error is also often done by the photographer is, the images are too dark (19.30%). Genesis is due to the lack of estimates photographer with lighting conditions around the object to be in the photo. Easy tips to reduce this occurrence, the photographer must turn on the lights flash, either in body or external camera flash.

    7. Memory Full
    Although it seems funny, it seems that this incident is quite often experienced by the photographers, the memory (CF = compact flash card / SD = secure digital) full (16.50%). Inadvertently, this also often occurs. Thus, each will take pictures, when the home first check the memory card you use. When full, the copy was the first on your computer hard drive.

    8. Overexposure (OE) or Image Too Light
    This error often happens, both images are too bright (12.20%). It is
    caused by too much light on the objects we photograph.
    However, sometimes, some photographers really like to play this in OE
    his work. But, for certain objects, photographs OE is also inaccurate.

    9. One WB (White Balance)
    One white balance is often performed (6.8%). As a result of this is the wrong color WB
    inappropriate for the objects we photograph. Sometimes too yellow, too blue,
    redness, etc.. Tips to avoid this is to put WB on Auto
    (A) alone.

    10. Setting One Photo Size (Pixels)
    One adjustment pixels (10%) would be fatal if when we
    need a photo with large size. As an example, which should have our pictures
    use for large prints, say 24R, if the photo is only the size S (small = +2000
    pixel), then if the print will break or noise. Well, very safe if we are to
    our camera settings to the size L (large) to models Fine or RAW.

    11. One Speed ​​Shutter (Shutter Speed)
    One shutter speed (5.4%), could result in objects that blur, shake, or dark. The easiest setting is Auto select the full model on your camera, or (A / P) Aperture priority so that the speed adjusting pretty well.

    12. One ISO
    One of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) about 3.7%. The result is that photos will be noise or spots, will be dark, and the quality is not perfect. In particular camera, which is still good quality when the ISO is still below a certain figure (400, 800, 1000 etc.). Therefore, jelilah will see the condition of our portrait photo.
    Well, to outsmart nature of the error from the camera, choose digital camera (camdig) is good, longer battery power, which has facilities face detection, auto, time lag reduction, VR in the lens, etc.. If the ability of the photographer, yes definitely cure cuman continuous learning. I like it ... hehe ...

Good luck, hopefully we can shoot better tomorrow ... yes photography Greetings! (Mishbahul Munir, http://blog.poetrafoto.com)

12 Kesalahan Fotografer Pemula & Amatir

Photography Critiques | Kritik Fotografi
12 Kesalahan Fotografer Pemula & Amatir
oleh Mishbahul Munir: Fotografer Poetrafoto Photography Studio Yogyakarta
Seorang fotografer (photographer) dalam dunia fotografi (photography) juga tak lepas dari kesalahan. Namun, jika kesalahan teknis fotografi (photography techniques) ini setiap kali memotret (take picture) terjadi, maka dia harus giat lagi belajar memotret.
Berikut ini berbagai kesalahan yang sering dilakukan dan dialami oleh para Fotografer Pemula dan Amatir. Hal ini ditemukan oleh Perusahaan Panasonic melalui survei yang dilakukannya, beberapa waktu lalu (poin-poin dikembangkan dari tulisan Arbain Rambey/Kompas).

1. Baterai Habis
Kesalahan tertinggi pada pemakai kamera digital baik yang pocket maupun yang
DSLR, yaitu sampai 35,20%, adalah seringnya baterai habis. Kamera digital (digital
camera) memang hanya bekerja kalau ada baterai di dalamnya. Maka, kamera digital
yang laris umumnya punya baterai yang awet, minimal bisa untuk 500 kali
Kesalahan ini biasanya disebabkan beberapa hal, yaitu (1) adanya persiapan yang
kurang matang, sehingga lupa mengisi penuh baterai sebelum digunakan; (2)
seringnya fotografer melihat hasil foto di LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) setiap kali
usai jepret karena kurang yakin akan hasilnya; (3) karena lupa tidak mematikan power
kamera usai pemakaian, atau langsung dimasukkan dalam tas kamera.
2. Gambar Kabur Kamera Goyang
Kesalahan pemula gambar kabur akibat kamera goyang saat digunakan mencapai 29,30%. Goncangan kamera alias camera shake memang kesalahan pemakai. Namun, kamera yang baik akan meminimalkan hal ini dengan bentuknya yang ergonomis dan kecepatan rana yang lebih tinggi.
Saat ini, kamera maupun lensa juga telah dilengkapi fasilitas VR (vibration reduction)
untuk Nikon atau IS (image stabilizer) untuk Canon. Fungsinya adalah untuk
mengurangi gambar goyang diatas, jadi jika ingin beli kamera, pilihlah yang ada
fasilitas ini.
3. Gambar Kabur akibat Goyangan Obyek Foto
Kesalahan ini sering dilakukan hingga nilainya mencapai 22,70%. Kesalahan ini
adalah akibat pemakai salah memperkirakan kecepatan obyek foto dengan kecepatan
4. Time Lag
Kesalahan ini terjadi karena terlambatnya memotret adegan akibat kelambatan sang
kamera bereaksi. Atau, bisa juga tidak pekanya sang fotografer. Time lag, yaitu jeda
antara saat rana ditekan dan saat kamera bereaksi.
5. Salah Fokus (Miss Focus)
Kesalahan ini persentasenya 16,80%. Kesalahan ini umumnya menyangkut focusing
pit alias fokus lari ke bidang nun jauh di sana. Atau, bisa juga dikarenakan auto focus
di kamera tidak di lock, sehingga ketika memotret focusnya berubah ke obyek yang
lain. Hal ini bisa diakali dengan memperkecil diafragma (f) dengan angka lebih besar
agar sudut fokusnya lebih lebar.

6. Underexposur atau Foto Gelap
Kesalahan ini juga sering dilakukan oleh fotografer yaitu, foto terlalu gelap (19,30%). Kejadian ini dikarenakan kurangnya perkiraan fotografer dengan kondisi lighting disekeliling obyek yang akan di foto. Tips mudahnya untuk mengurangi kejadian ini, sang fotografer harus menyalakan lampu flash, baik yang di body camera atau external flash.
7. Memori Penuh
Walaupun sepertinya lucu, rupanya kejadian ini cukup sering dialami oleh fotografer, yaitu memori (kartu CF= compact flash/SD= secure digital) penuh (16,50%). Secara tidak sengaja, ini juga sering terjadi. Sehingga, setiap akan memotret, ketika dirumah ceklah terlebih dahulu memory card yang Anda gunakan. Jika penuh, copy-lah terlebih dahulu di harddisk komputer Anda.
8. Overexposure (OE) atau Foto Terlalu Terang
Kesalahan ini juga sering terjadi, yaitu foto terlalu terang (12,20%). Hal ini
diakibatkan oleh terlalu banyaknya cahaya yang mengenai obyek yang kita foto.
Namun, terkadang, beberapa fotografer sangat suka memainkan OE ini dalam
karyanya. Tapi, untuk obyek tertentu, foto OE ini juga tidak tepat.
9. Salah WB (White Balance)
Salah white balance sering dilakukan (6,8%). Akibat dari salah WB ini adalah warna
yang kurang tepat atas obyek yang kita foto. Kadang terlalu kuning, terlalu biru,
kemerahan, dll. Tipsnya agar tidak terjadi adalah dengan menempatkan WB pada Auto
(A) saja.
10. Salah Penyetelan Ukuran Foto (Pixel)
Salah penyetelan piksel (10%) ini akan berakibat fatal apabila ketika kita
membutuhkan foto dengan ukuran besar. Sebagai contoh, yang seharusnya foto kita
gunakan untuk cetak besar, misalkan 24R, jika foto hanya ukuran S (small = +2000
pixel), maka jika di cetak akan pecah atau noise. Nah, sangat aman jika kita men-
setting kamera kita dengan ukuran L (large) dengan model Fine atau RAW.
11. Salah Kecepatan Rana (Shutter Speed)
Salah kecepatan rana (5,4%), bisa berakibat pada obyek yang blur, shake, atau gelap. Settingan yang paling mudah adalah pilih model full Auto pada kamera Anda, atau (A/P) Aperture priority sehingga kecepatan menyesuaikan dengan cukup baik.
12. Salah ISO
Salah ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) sekitar 3,7%. Akibatnya adalah foto akan noise atau bintik-bintik, akan gelap, dan kualitasnya kurang sempurna. Pada kamera tertentu, memiliki kualitas yang masih bagus apabila ISO-nya masih di bawah angka tertentu (400, 800, 1000 dll). Oleh karena itu, jelilah melihat kondisi foto yang akan kita potret.
Nah, untuk mengakali kesalahan yang sifatnya dari kamera, pilihlah kamera digital (camdig) yang bagus, kekuatan baterai yang lebih panjang, yang punya fasilitas face detection, auto, time lag reduction, VR di lensa, dsb. Kalau kemampuan fotografernya, jelas obatnya ya cuman belajar terus menerus. Seperti saya ini… hehe…
Selamat mencoba, semoga kita bisa memotret lebih baik ya esok hari… Salam fotografi! (Mishbahul Munir, http://blog.poetrafoto.com)

Analog and Digital Transmission (definition digital signals and analog signals and examples)

Transmission data is divided into two, namely analog and digital transmissions:

The analog signal is also referred to as broadband, is a wave - a wave of electronic continuously variable and is transmitted through a variety of media depending on its frequency. analog signals can be converted into a digital signal with the modulated first.
Also called a baseband digital signal, which contains ditransmidikan voltage pulse through wire media.
differences in these two types of signals are:

designed for voice (voice)
Not efficient for data
there are a lot of noise and error prone (errors)
relatively low speed
High overhead
any analog signal can be converted to digital form

Designed for data and voice
discrete-level information
high speed
Low overhead
each digital signal can be converted to analog
The analog signal is a signal to display the analog data. Analog signals in the form of various kinds of electromagnetic waves is a direct, continuous and distributed via various transmission media. Analog data is data that implied by the physical size and has a value over a continuous - continuous in some interval. Analog data usually occupies a limited frequency spectrum. Examples of analog data is voice data, audio and video. human speech is found to have a frequency range between 100 Hz-kHz and 25 dB dynamic range.
The digital signal is a signal to display digital data. The digital data is data that has a row of different values ​​and has its own characteristics. Examples of digital data is text, integers and characters - other characters. There are some errors in digital data. That the data in the form of character - an understandable human character can not be directly transmitted with ease in communication systems. Such data must be transmitted in binary form first. So the data is transmitted in the form of a row of bits.
Common problems of digital signal analog dn is:

Attenuation (Attenuation) increase in attenuation as a function of frequency
decrease in signal strength along with the distance function.
the return signal quality can be done in two ways, namely by an analog signal amplifier separately, repeaters for digital data.
Delay distortion occurs when different frequency components running at different speeds.
The fundamental problem is the effect of noise, due to heat (thermal) and interference
from the book: data communications, Dony Arius and Rum Andri KR, andi Publishers, 2003

23 Sep 2011

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